Owl eyes, of the cosmos


10:46 PM (8/3/24):

If you don't know what the Holy Spirit is, it's probably because... ...'you don't know the essence, of who Jesus Christ was'... ...and this, can be derived... ...from the teachings, within the bible... well, as the Gospel (the story, of Jesus' life)...


5:22 PM (11/25/22):

A genuinely, spiritually discerning person... will typically be opposed, to those who do not embrace... the Holy Spirit...
"If you don't believe in God, then you should be concerned... because there 'is' a God..." - Michael Izuchukwu


10:53 PM (8/3/24):
John 8 | Jesus Declares: I Am the Light of the World; The Truth Shall Make You Free | The Bible - YouTube (3:31-3:44)


10:32 PM (8/3/24):
Thoughts of mine, from seconds ago (arguably emanating, from Jesus Christ):

"If you're not seeing aliens, it's because... ...they're in different galaxies... ...and besides, I'm guarding... ...this one (the Milky Way)..."

Aliens, in the context... ...of beings, from worlds... ...other, than planet Earth ('extraterrestrials,' that is)


10:18 PM (8/3/24):
28 Weeks Later (2007) Opening Scene (HD/60fps) (

This video, evokes... ...of someone, saying 'god damn... ...I need, to get back... to the spaceship'...

A dude responds, 'we should never have come here... We went, too far...'


10:08 PM (8/3/24):

OAKJOI -- TRIBECA - YouTube (music, that is alien-like... ...and, of darkness)


The Rumbling - YouTube

"The strangest beings, that you could possibly imagine... ...are probably, in different galaxies..." - Michael Izuchukwu


9:53 PM (8/3/24):
To understand deeply, one typically has to have... ...the requisite disposition... Certain tasks, are correlated... certain forms (physiological, and mental)... ...but variability, is attributable... variations, in people's spirits, minds and bodies...

9:56 PM (8/3/24):

DREAMS AND REALITY ( (see #'s 10 & 11)


9:25 PM (8/3/24):
Abduction at Stonehenge: Alien Encounter #ancientearth #alienspecies - YouTube [taking place (in theory) in a galaxy, so far away... ...that it doesn't make sense - 4 billion lightyears away, perhaps]

What is a light-year? | Space

There was the 'Garden of Eden,' which had 'bounds'... ...and given that Adam and Eve, were ousted from such (after disobeying 'God the Father')... could extrapolate, that the bounds of this garden... ...became the bounds, of our galaxy...

(hence, the 'play on words'... ...regarding the movie title 'Guardians of the Galaxy'... ...where guardians, alludes to 'garden'... - garden >>> galaxy)

9:39 PM (8/3/24):

A Universe Not Made For Us (Carl Sagan on religion) - YouTube (6:04-6:17)

If a chimpanzee could build a spaceship, would it be logical... ...for such, to venture... another galaxy...? Is that, in their nature (from an evolutionary perspective)?

9:46 PM (8/3/24):
I personally believe, that if humans were to 'efficiently' visit another galaxy... 

A LOT, LIKE ENOCH ( (see #6)


9:17 PM (8/3/24):

Before Genesis - Lucifer's Fall - YouTube

Jesus Christ, may very well be... ...the 'Guardian... of, our galaxy'... That makes sense, given that humans... ...are in, the Milky Way galaxy - they are not, in the others...


8:54 PM (8/3/24):

The woman in the red dress | The Matrix [Open Matte] ( (0:00-0:40 & 1:39-1:46)


8:38 PM (8/3/24):
Interestingly, there are 77 space agencies... the world. Perhaps, this number... an allusion, to 'GG'... ...regarding the English gematria conversion...

Space agencies around the world ( 

There may be 78 space agencies, in the world... of 2024 (an update, awaiting 'greater publicity')


how many space agencies are there - Google Search


8:24 PM (8/3/24):

Watching the descent & ascent, of a spider (East Orange, NJ - 7:59 PM, on 8/3/24) (

After detecting this spider, I began to wonder 'why did God... ...create, so many animals?' 

(God the Father, that is)

8.7 million species of plants and animals on earth - Google Search

BIBLE QUOTES (miscellaneous):

1. “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they… shall see God…” – Matthew 5:8

2. “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life... No one comes to the Father, except through me...” – John 14:6 (according to Jesus Christ)

3. "Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven… but only he, who does the will... of my Father'…" - Matthew 7:21 (according to Jesus Christ)

4. "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened... to you..." - Matthew 7:7

5. "The Kingdom of God/Heaven, is 'within' you..." - Luke 17:21

If you're in a different galaxy, your faith... ...may, 'be tested'...

3:58 AM (8/4/24):
One could infer, that if you depart from the Milky Way galaxy, it's plausible... ...that you will encounter galaxies, where extraterrestrials from one planet... ...invade the planets, of other extraterrestrials...
The implications, of an extraterrestrial invasion... that one's faith, will 'irrevocably waver'...

I don't believe that Jesus Christ/'God the Son' (Guardian of the Milky Way Galaxy*) would permit 'this,' unless such applied... those, 'left behind'... ...after the biblical event, known as 'the Rapture'...

4:03 AM (8/4/24):
Ants build anthills, and humans have built pyramids... ...The variation, in the respective consciousness... ...of ants and humans (as contrasting species, respectively)... relevant, throughout the Animal Kingdom... ...from a cosmological standpoint...

4:08 AM (8/4/24):

I STOPPED AGING AT 13. The real story of Benjamin Button. ( (3:28-3:46)

If the Milky Way galaxy is like 'the universe,' in the context of 'the Garden of Eden'... ...being situated, on Earth... ...and in the context, of Jesus Christ... being the 'Human God (as God the Son)'... 

...then Earth, which consists of 195 countries... kind, of like 'Galaxy Cluster Earth'... ...where each country, is 'a galaxy'... Nevertheless, Earth consists of the human species ('Homo Sapiens')... ...and multitudes, of plants and animals (an estimate, of 8.7 million, different species... of them)... ...where at least 6,500 languages, are spoken... ...amongst the human species...

Worldwide distribution of the most important languages (

Humans were intended, to be content... with 'just a garden'... ...but after 'Adam and Eve,' departed from the 'Garden of Eden'... ...they had, 'all of Earth'...

The oceans of Earth, are metaphorical... ...for 'galactic voids'...

Galaxy Cluster 'SMACS 0723'
(each light, is 'a galaxy' - this location is 4 billion lightyears, away)
(these galaxies are out there, and you wonder... ...why)

If the Kingdom of Heaven, is within 'each person'... ...that must be, some type... of riddle...

Bible quote #5 ('above'), sounds like something... ...that Goku's Father, Bardock, would say... ...introspectively... his son, Goku... ...while falling backwards, and being engulfed... the flames... ...of his 'dying world'... the hands, of Frieza...

1:49 PM (8/4/24):
God the Father, had 'other sons (Sons of God)'... ...than Jesus Christ... ...Some of them, could be 'galaxy guardians'...

2:11 PM (8/4/24):
I don't think Jesus Christ, is guarding galaxies... ...that humans, are not in...

3:11 PM (8/4/24):
God the Father, had 'a Son (Jesus)'... ...but did God the Father, have relatives (siblings, for instance)?
If so, perhaps God the Father... the Guardian, of 'our' universe...

6:00 PM (8/4/24):
"How big, is your faith...?" - Wise Man, on a 'metaphorical boat'
"My faith, is galactic..." - Michael Izuchukwu

The galaxies are moving away from each other, at an accelerating rate... ...due to the expansion of the universe (from the Big Bang)... There may be a catch to this, in the context of 'the Rapture,' galaxy guardians... ...and the notion... ...of awaking, in a 'different galaxy'... This would imply, that the odds of returning... to your native galaxy... ...are lessened, significantly...

In the context, of the hierarchy of angels, the 4th spatial dimension reality (in relation, to ours - the 3rd spatial dimension reality), and the principle... of 'natural progression'... makes sense (to me), that Jesus Christ's role... God the Son (having been appointed to that position, by God the Father)... overseeing, the scope... of our galaxy... 

5:11 PM (8/5/24):
IF SOMEONE PRAYS FOR PATIENCE - YouTube (scene from the 2007 movie 'Evan Almighty')
When we say that God watches over mankind, we may be really alluding... to Him (Jesus Christ/'God the Son')... 'guarding mankind'...
Jesus Christ likely guards, rather than watches... ...and makes our paths straight, as opposed to 'answering (regarding prayers)'... ...if discernment, of Jesus' behavior (from the spirit realm)... being 'objectively assessed'... 

5:17 PM (8/5/24):
"Trust in the LORD, with all your heart... ...and lean, not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make... your paths, straight..." - Proverbs 3:5-6
This verse, was likely relevant... ...before the time, of Jesus Christ... ...but in the aftermath, of Jesus' departure... heaven... ...Jesus, became 'the intermediator'...
